What We Believe

Keep it Simple

Sandy Level Baptist Church embraces three simple concepts that help describe who we are and what we hope to do.  We arrive at these principles through the application of two passages of Scripture:  Matthew 22:36-40 and Matthew 20:28.  The passages clearly communicate what God expects of us.

Loving God.  Loving Others.  Serving the Kingdom

We are Sandy Level Baptist Church. 

What We Believe  

We believe that there is one true God. The eternal triune God reveals Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, with distinct personal attributes, but without division of nature, essence, or being. 

The Bible is an inspired and infallible collection of books from God to man.  

Everyone that walks the face of the earth makes mistakes that separate us from God.  

The only way our relationship with God can be restored is if we trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ and turn from our sin.  

God desires for us to be disciples that make a difference in the world today.

Click Here to find out more about what we believe.